Sunday, September 4, 2016

Feedback Thoughts

I really enjoyed this assignment because I am someone that does not always deal well with feedback and criticism. Reading the four articles was very helpful for changing my mindset when given feedback and giving feedback! The "Be a Mirror" article was my personal favorite because it gave more specific tips on giving feedback.

I personally always try to give a crap sandwich when giving feedback. I know that sounds really weird, but hear me out! So I always give a positive (first slice of bread), something they did really well or I really enjoyed. Next I give them something they can work on or I would have done differently (the crap). Last I give another positive (second slice of bread), so that they don't walk away feeling completely bummed out. I have found that this method seems to have a pretty good success rate and allows for constructive criticism that is actually helping someone become better. I also have found that using specifics when giving tips is helpful, especially for myself, because it helps them learn for the next time.

Image result for gilmore girls paris on feedback
How you should NOT feel after feedback!

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