Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Reading Notes: Ramayana Public Domain Version Part C

I am reading Ramayana the public domain version, which is an anthology.

  • I enjoyed reading this section because it talks about monkey kings and who does not enjoy that? I think that it is very nice that the authors are starting to make things go in Rama's favor again. I like that they make this an opportunity for both Rama and Sugriva.
  • It seems like Sugriva will be an important character because there are many stories with him in this section. I think that Rama helping Sugriva is the right thing to do and it is interesting that they both have the same story. It is also interesting that Rama feels the need to go and fight for Sugriva when they met only a few hours before.
  • The fight is interesting and as Laura mentions in her notes, Rama attacks from bushes with the bow and arrow. This is a sneaky tactic and could be a good plot point in the story for this week. But I am glad that Sugriva and Rama win the fight, even though Sugriva mourns for his brother.
  • I am glad that Sugriva has offered to help Rama find Sita. I like the mention of the rain season in this story because it brings a bit of India to the forefront of the readers mind. This is another aspect that I think I would like to use for this weeks story. I also very much enjoyed reading Rama's lament because it gave a good look into what he was truly feeling, this could be good for the story as well.
  • I like the rest of the stories, although they are mostly short, introduce a lot of new characters and reintroduce some old ones. I definitely enjoy all of the 'mythical' characters of Indian culture. I will have to look at involving some in future stories.
Sampati (the bird) with the monkey and bear army

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