Monday, September 19, 2016

Reading Note:Mahabharata

This week I am reading the Mahabharata written by many authors as well.

There are a lot of characters in this story and I am barely able to keep up with all of them! I do enjoy the character Ganesha, mostly because of the image that is provided for us. I think that this will be a fun story to continue with because of the many options we have to write about. The birth story was interesting about Ganga and I think that she is a very interesting character to write about as well.

Bhishma's seizure of the three women was very cool to read because it gave more insight into the concept of marriage in Indian cultures. This was very similar as to how to Rama won Sita because of the use of a bow and arrow, or in Bhishma’s case numerous arrows. I like using something like this perhaps with a diary entry so that there is a new perspective on the storyline. It could also be fun to switch the gender roles so that it was a woman ‘taking’ the men or rescuing them.

Amaba’s story is also an interesting twist to all of this. I like that they make a powerful woman who doesn’t want to be forced into marriage a piece of this story. This could be a cool character to use as well because of how she turns away from the norm.

Image result for mahabharata
Vyasa and Ganesha

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