Monday, August 29, 2016

Reading Notes: Ramayana Public Doman Edition

This week I am reading Ramayana, the public domain edition, which is an anthology.

  • I really liked the intro to this story because it clearly tells who the characters are and prepares the readers for the upcoming stories. 
  • I also liked the tale about Dasharatha's sacrifice to get his sons. Although the sacrifice of the horse was odd, it could become a good story.
  • I think that the story about Rama killing the female demon could also be a good story to rewrite. It has many good interacting parts and has lots of pieces that could be interesting to play with. I also liked the picture from this story. 
  • The story discussing Rama and his fight to win Sita are very well written (and definitely remind me of a fairy tale!). This could be a fun story to make a modern twist on because we have so many Western fairy tales similar to this one. It has all the good elements, the use of weapons (bows) in a contest to prove one's love to a princess! I think that this may be the story I choose to focus on this week. 
  • The wedding scene in particular from the story above, is very interesting. I think it would be fun to write about a Prince and Princesses wedding! Especially since there are so many details involved in planning a wedding. I think it was cool that this part was done in verse, which might make retelling it in modern times in verse something to be considered.
I have definitely enjoyed the readings so far for this course and look forward to reading more! I think that the notes are always an important part of being able to write a good story later in the week and am glad to see this is still a part of the course!

Marriage of Rama and Sita

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