Monday, August 22, 2016

Introduction to a Future Physical Therapist

       Hi guys! My name is Kaitlin Lutz and I am in the Epics of India class this semester. I thought writing a blog would be fun and a great way to get my last humanities credit out of the way. I am a Health and Exercise Science major and love what I study! Learning more about the human body and how it works is something that I have always enjoyed, and what has pushed me to choose physical therapy as my career choice.

       Some fun facts about me are:
  • I've been to Germany three times, and stayed this summer for a month! I love Germany and have family that we visit as often as we can. I love to travel as a whole so while in Germany I visited Austria and France as well. I have a travel board in my room that lists all the places I hope to go and my ultimate dream before I die is to travel to each continent at least once! 
    My dad, boyfriend, aunt, and I at my favorite bakery in Kaiserslautern, DE (personal photo)
  • I am from Mustang, Oklahoma but I attended Bishop McGuinness High School.
Bailey (top) and Scooter (bottom) my dogs! (personal photo)
  • I have two dogs, an Aussie mix and an Anatolian Shepherd. They are both 9 years old and are still loving life! Scooter, the Aussie, was found in the streets when he was a puppy and Bailey, the shepherd, was adopted from Pets and People in Yukon after we had found Scooter. They are both tug-of-war and Frisbee aficionados!
  • I love to craft! I knit scarfs and am currently working on mastering knitting hats (which have proven to be difficult because they are a circular pattern instead of linear). I paint canvases for a lot of people for gifts. I think that homemade gifts are special and always love making something personal for the people in my life. Especially my boyfriend! We both love comics, anime, and movies so I have yet to run out of topics to paint for him!
  • I am a member of Alpha Omicron Pi and love being in a sorority. Although I am not the 'stereotypical' sorority girl, I have loved participating fully in sorority life! I have gained many friendships and lifelong skills!
    My family line at the zoo! (personal photo)
  • My favorite T.V. shows include: Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Gilmore Girls, and Parks and Recreation (as well as many others)
  • My favorite Movies include: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Proposal, and My Fair Lady
  • My favorite Books include: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter,  The Giver, and Dragonriders of Pern
       My big dreams are to go to Physical Therapy school at Emory University or University of Delaware and then finish with a residency in Portland, Oregon for pediatric physical therapy. I want to mostly work with performance artists, specifically dancers. I currently shadow at the OKC Ballet and that has been an amazing experience! I danced ballet for 16 years and try to take classes still when I have the time! This year I am also working as physical therapy tech at PT Central and am very excited about this opportunity!

       My new goal for this year is to be a healthier person. My degree naturally inspires people to become active and to eat healthy. I love to cook (and bake) all kinds of foods. My boyfriend and I are aiming to home cook all of our meals this semester with just a few date nights out! I am also starting to run more and take more dance classes (yay!).

       As a whole I am looking forward to this semester and learning new things!


  1. Your introduction made me SO excited. I was in HES but had to switch to Psych because I didn't have the time or money to make it through the whole program. It hurt my heart to have to switch from the program but I did manage to finish my HES minor and I plan to go to Tulsa Community College to go for their Physical Therapy Assistant program and then maybe someday I will go all the way for a complete PT degree. I had to take anatomy twice but I really didn't mind because I absolutely loved learning about it! I honestly want to take it again just so I can refresh what I learned. I also want to work with dancers partly because I am a dancer! It helps in being able to work with them because I understand the urgency of needing to get back up and running as fast and as safely as possible. But I also get how stubborn dancers will be and if something is in our way that keeps us from dancing, we will usually just dance anyway! And since you're a ballet dancer I'm sure you understand the stubborn dancer mindset too. If you ever become interested in taking aerial arts, such as aerial fabrics (silks) or lyra (aerial hoop) you should let me know! The dance company I'm in in Tulsa has an aerial program and I am one of the main people in charge of it. So I know several placed around the Norman area that have relatively cheap beginning classes!

    I am also a bit of an anime nerd, we should compare notes on favorite animes to read and watch. I am always looking for new ones! My best friend is obsessed with Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings so I am slightly by default. Have you ever read the Eragon Chronicles? The third one can be kind of rough to get through and I haven't actually finished the fourth one, but they are still really good reads. Especially if you love the magical world of Harry Potter.

    I also crochet a little, I used to knit but I prefer to crochet. I also love making people gifts if possible because I feel like they come with more love! And I like getting homemade gifts so i try to pass that around. But on that topic and since I have lots of dancer friends I have recently taken up making leg warmers as Christmas presents for my dance friends! For my aerial friends I make little gloves so they can keep their hands warm between practices.

    I really look forward to reading your stories this semester and I really enjoyed getting to know you through your intro!

  2. Thought your introduction was really interesting! It’s really cool and funny to me that all 3 of the people in our blog group is going to be a physical therapist or at least at one time wanted to be a physical therapist! I think we both share a lot of common interests like Game of thrones, and the love of Lord of the Rings to name a few!
    Very interesting reading your intro! Looking forward to learning more!

  3. Welcome back, Kaitlin! I am so excited to see what you will do with the stories in this class! And about Game of Thrones and Harry Potter, there's a wonderful TV station in India, Epified, that does some fun videos that I will be sharing in the class announcements, but you might want to look at them now; they are so cool and will help you start to get a sense of what characters to look out for:
    Harry Potter Meets Hindu Mythology
    Mahabharata meets Game of Thrones
    ... and I hope you will like the class! :-)

  4. I have never been to Germany, but from the sound of it from your introduction, I feel like I would be missing out if I don't go atlas once. Your dogs are super cute, and Bailey's colors match my dogs coat. I have watched a few shows of anime, although I only understood it through subtitles, I enjoyed it! I was in Delta Gamma, but found sorority life was not for me, but I am pleased to hear you enjoy it. The Proposal is really funny, and probably one of movies I could rematch many times. I also enjoying baking and cooking, although I don't cook much.

    1. (The comment posted before I could finish.)
      Your life and you seem really interesting! I found your introduction was very interesting and well written.

  5. Hi, I'm Joanne, and reading through your introduction, I'm kind of excited by how much we have in common! Game of Thrones and Harry Potter are two of my most favorite series, and I could talk about them for hours. I also love crafting and have recently taken up arm-knitting (mostly because I was too cheap for actual knitting needles) to make all of my friends and family scarves for holidays. Homemade gifts really are the best, and homemade meals too! I try to cook with my roommates all the time to avoid blowing lots of money on eating out. Two of my friends are actually studying abroad in Germany this year! I'm very excited to hear back from then and see all the places they've gone! I also love traveling and hope to see all of the continents as well.
    And last but not least, your dogs are adorable! I love big, fluffy dogs!

  6. I'd be interested to hear about how well you know your family's town in Germany. I've never been to one foreign town so much, so I've always seen those I've been to through the eyes of a tourist. Do you know any of the locals besides your family?
    In terms of ballet, what kind of performances have you been in? You must be pretty good if you're in the OKC ballet and have been working at it for 16 years!

  7. I also have a German Shepard and they're just the greatest dogs (don't get me wrong, all dogs are great, but I do have a specially soft heart for shepards!!). She LOVED frisbee, unfortunately she's pushing 11 years old and her body won't support her frisbee habit anymore. A few of my friends are from Mustang! I won't ask if you know them because that's probably really annoying. I don't want to assume, but it seems like your love and joy for ballet lead you to your career as a PT. That's amazing! I'm a fine arts major (acting) so I'm really close to a lot of the dancers in the dance school and I think it's amazing that a lot of them want to also have a career in some form of physical therapy work. I definitely have my share of muscle kinks and problems, maybe someday you'll be my physical therapist!

  8. I think that it is so cool that you have family that you can go visit in Germany. I studied abroad last semester in Italy and had a cousin that I stayed with over spring break in London. I hadn't met her before, so it was quite the adventure. Your dogs are adorable and I love that you have a foundling, they make the best dogs. I tried knitting and failed... miserably. My mom even gave up on me. So props to you! Good luck on your school dreams. And definitely good luck on being a healthier person. As a college student, it's extremely hard. I've always tried to eat healthier but college life always seems to get in the way...

  9. Whoah, Kaitlin! Thanks for giving us such a comprehensive introduction! Where to begin? I also knit, and think homemade gifts are the bomb diggity. I, too, cannot master that circular pattern of hat making, and wish that I could. My grandmother knitted us sweaters, mittens, hats, scarves, socks (!!), everything, but I just can't figure it out.

    I love that you and your boyfriend are cooking from home as much as possible, my husband and I (well, I am) are doing that too. Any favorite recipe sites you're using that you'd care to share? I like, it's been really good to us.

    I love your dogs! So adorable! And, can't leave off without saying how jealous I am that you have family in Germany! So nice! Goodluck with the second half of the semester!

  10. Hi Kaitlin! I went to Harding Prep in high school so I was right down the street from you!.... they killed us at every sport when I was in high school though. I highly considered exercise science as my major when I was working at the YMCA but decided to study geology. I'm not much of a dancer but I love to lift weights and want to attempt a half marathon.
    I look forwarding to hopefully seeing some references to Game of Thrones, HP or even anime!

  11. Hi Kaitlin! I adore your dogs! They are so precious! You are so lucky to have family in Germany! How is it going there? Is there anything that you enjoy there more than here? I feel like you are incredibly lucky to have the ability to be able to have access to an entirely different culture! Good luck with the rest of the semester! Take care!

  12. Hey Kaitlin! I really think it is exciting that you are a future physical therapist! I am a future occupational therapist so there is a strong correlation between our career choices. This is such an exciting class to take for our non-western culture. Also, thank you for including a picture of your dog because it is always nice to see! Good luck this semester!

  13. You can do a little bit of everything! That's pretty impressive. You remind me a lot of my roommate actually. She absolutely loves to cook, which is great for me because i don't cook! She also likes to knit as well. Hats were always difficult for her as well but she conquered the technique! Once she figured out how to do it she was a hat making machine! She made like ten beanies in a day, I swear. I'm also so jealous of your travels and aspire to travel more one day too!

  14. Hi Kaitlin! Wow I can't believe I haven't been assigned your page yet! Your introduction was really thorough and I feel like I got to know you pretty well! Your dogs are absolutely gorgeous! I am in love with Aussies! I really wanted to get one this year but having such a big dog in apartment style living wouldn't be fair to the poor guy! Maybe one day!
    There are so many things I could relate to you on with this post I don't even know where to start. I love that you say you're not a "stereotypical sorority girl" I'm also in a sorority and feel the same way. When I'm here at school, I certainly fit in with all the sorority activities; I love being involved. But when I'm back home in New Mexico, most of my friends did not join sororities and they have the media to thank for their negative assumptions, so I usually don't talk much about my sorority life. It's sad that those stereotypes don't do justice to the amazing aspects of greek life!

  15. Ahhhhhhhh! Your dogs are seriously the cutest things ever! I am such a huge sucker for anything fluffy. I love that you essentially saved both of your dogs. It makes me happy to hear that they were able to meet the perfect owner. I have once tried to knit but it didn’t go so well for me, haha. However, crocheting is another story. It’s so easy, I can do it while watching my favorite shows, which I appreciate. It’s so cool to hear how much you love Germany. I too hope to be able to one day visit all the continents at least once. It’s great to hear that you are becoming healthier. That’s an area that I definitely need to work on. Well, good luck in your journey on becoming a physical therapist! (I feel like I’ve already commented on your intro before but it may have gotten deleted or something so if this is a repeat, just ignore it ahaha)

  16. Hi Kaitlin! I loved seeing the pictures of your dogs and hearing about them. I love how you saved both of them. I have a dog at college with me and I basically saved him from his previous owner so I can relate with you there. As far as being a physical therapist, I wish the best for you! I have had to do physical therapy for injuries that I have had and they are life savers.

  17. It's good to finally meet you! I took German throughout high school and college. I even took a three- week trip during high school, and I love it all so much. Oh how I miss the food, but Royal Bavaria in Moore does a pretty good job of making me feel like I'm back there again. I just got in to medical school so good luck on your ventures into physical therapy. The work is tough, but well worth it!

  18. Hello Kaitlin,
    Your dogs look awesome! I recently got my first puppy and I have quickly developed an appreciation for dogs. They always seem to know how to cheer you up when you need it or just find a way to keep you entertained with their shenanigans. I wish you luck in your pursuit of doing physical therapy at Emory!

  19. Hi Kaitlin! What a joy to meet you, even though it is the last week of class! Thank you for sharing your favorites and the things that are really important to you! Your doggies are so cute! I've been missing my puppy extra with the holidays coming soon. It looks like you have a lot of fun, and I wish you well in your future endeavors!
