Sunday, December 4, 2016

Famous Last Words: An Ode to Dead Week

Oh Dead Week, how I wish you were actually dead... Instead us students are forced to slave away on assignments, presentations, lab reports, papers, studying for quizzes, and exams! I am always amazed at how many things I have due during dead week or assigned during dead week. It is understandable from the professors point of view that they would want to utilize every week we are in class. However, according to the OU handbook we are not supposed to be taught new material and we are not to have anything worth more than 10% of our final grade! I know several friends who are struggling with assignments and exams this week that are either just at 10% or equal more than that. It is unfair for us students to have to constantly deal with professors who are unwilling to understand that students have a busy schedule to prepare for the exams the following week. Particularly for those of us in 18+ credit hours. I have a friend who has 7 finals this semester, but has 2 papers they have to turn in this week before they can begin studying! As much as I am glad to see the end of this semester, this week will be a challenging one to get through!

Image result for dead week memes
The truth behind dead week


  1. Yeah it does seem really unfair that so many of us end up with asisgnments due during deadweek. One of my professors is even breaking the "no assignment can be worth more than 10% during dead week rule" and giving us a test worth 20%. It's really not ideal at all and another professor set a test at exactly 10% credit so he could still give it.

  2. PREACH! There is no such thing as dead week unless you count dying from drowning in homework, studying, exams, etc. This week is worse than actual finals week! I wish we could do more as students to change how our professors have structured our courses. I think many of our professors are out of touch with student reality.

  3. I completely agree with this! I have a presentation due at 1:00 as well as a paper due tonight despite the fact that my exam is Tuesday for the class. It is ridiculous how the professors feel the need to rush and finish everything when they had all semester. It seems that anything important really is due this week. It a huge inconvenience, but I am not sure how I can help change it!


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