Monday, November 28, 2016

Reading Notes: Jataka Tales

This week I am reading the Jataka Tales by Ellen Babbitt. I really enjoyed reading the other version of the Jataka Tales, so I figured for one of our last weeks that I would read some more!

A few stories that I really liked from this selection:

The Monkey and Crocodile has some good morals that I think I might try and work into my last story for the week and possibly my last portfolio story.

The Ox Who Won the Forfeit was also good because it shows that treating your animals well will get you further than treating them cruelly. I (as a large animal lover) am a huge fan of this theory. I have always been a firm believer that if you treat animals well they will always give you more!

The last story was the Foolish, Timid Rabbit. I liked this story because it shows how one persons simple mistake can ripple into larger and larger mistakes. It also shows how important it is for leadership to always question and verify everything they are told to certify the truth.
Image result for jataka tales ellen babbitt the ox who won the forfeit
The Ox who won the Forfeit

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